Meet the Group!

We apply experimental, numerical, and theoretical techniques in nearly all of our work. Our laboratory focus is broadly on:
- Aerosol Transport Phenomena
- Bioaerosol Control Technology
- High Speed Deposition and Impaction
- Ice Nucleation and Growth
- Spray Formation & Breakup
- Virtual Impaction and Sampling

The links above will lead you to a description of the work we are doing, brief biographies of the faculty, staff, post-doctoral associates, and students in our group, publication lists, and alumni list. In addition, we are (slowly) building up a variety of educational resources, including data inversion codes for aerosol measurements, Molecular and Brownian Dynamics algorithms to simulate particle motion, links to particle/ion collision cross section calculators, course notes, as well as info on where to purchase hard-to-find but essential equipment in aerosol measurement.