Welcome to our lab website!

Meet the Group!

Group pic fall 2024
General Page Body
We are part of the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. The mechanical engineering department at UMN is typically ranked within the top ten mechanical engineering departments in the nation, as per the National Research Council, and the University of Minnesota is uniquely the only Big Ten University within a major metropolitan area (there are more than 3.8 million people in the Twin Cities combined statistical area).

            We apply experimental, numerical, and theoretical techniques in nearly all of our work.  Our laboratory focus is broadly on:

Hogan Research

The links above will lead you to a description of the work we are doing, brief biographies of the faculty, staff, post-doctoral associates, and students in our group, publication lists, and alumni list. In addition, we are (slowly) building up a variety of educational resources, including data inversion codes for aerosol measurements, Molecular and Brownian Dynamics algorithms to simulate particle motion, links to particle/ion collision cross section calculators, course notes, as well as info on where to purchase hard-to-find but essential equipment in aerosol measurement.