2022 Summer REU Students


Kobi Hall

Kobi Hall

Kobi is an undergraduate dual degree engineering student at Columbia University studying physics and mechanical engineering. He is a ME3 REU visiting summer student in the Hogan lab working on a project titled ‘Optimization of medium scale electrostatic precipitators.’








Joi Malone

Joi Malone

Joi is a Physics major at Spelman College who is visiting to research cryopreservation in collaboration ATP- Bio. The focus of her project is to find the critical cooling rates from water to avoid total freezing of the material.











Ava Krocheski Meyer

Ava Krocheski Meyer

Ava is a recent graduate of DeLaSalle highschool and plans on majoring in Mechanical Engineering in the fall. She works on low pressure calibrations for optical particle counters in the Hogan Lab. These OPCs will be launched on weather balloons for stratospheric particle measurements.





Deepak Sapkota

Deepak Sapkota

Deepak is a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Dallas and is a visiting scholar at the Hogan Lab. He has been working on the ‘Thermophoresis of Spherical Fine Aerosol Particles ‘ and his research interest lies in the realm of aerosol deposition and transportation.